Martin Sketchbook. Please critique!
Hey, these studies are looking pretty good, faces and heads can be a complete pain in the ass, so don't feel too bad about having issues with them.

It's nice to see that you are starting to focus on the placement of features as well as the structure of the head. Keep working on placement and the structure, then when you get that down and feel pretty comfortable with it I would say to move on to the features themselves. So try not to concern yourself too much at this point with how well the eyes, nose, mouth, and those other things read.

The rendering on that last face in post #3 is surely an improvement, so keep hitting it, and don't forget to keep applying all these nice studies to some personal stuff. :D


Messages In This Thread
Martin Sketchbook. Please critique! - by MW-Art - 09-18-2013, 05:19 AM
RE: Martin's way of Art. Critique welcome! - by Archreux - 09-27-2013, 06:22 AM

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