09-28-2013, 06:22 PM
Hey Daggers! I've got a quick personal WIP, and some information I feel I'd like to share with the community. I feel many of us have such things we all share in common, and they are just some of the many hurdles we face to become something much greater.
In brief, I have quite Dark Souls; I am retiring (like some old vet, haha). It's been a game that has found a place in my heart, divided much of my time up among my craft and in all honesty a time sink. Personally, this is something that had been a long time coming. Attempts to abstain from play were not enough, and only ended in long days of binging off of the system resulting in further loss of time, it just had to go. It feels good, it was a hard decision, but I know that in the end it is ultimately in my favor. I was really into the PvP, I like the online aspect and it was pretty much addictive.
Anyways, moral of the story? Games can be good, definitely. In my case it was a matter of coming to terms with the problem at hand, and finally having the resolve to see through that it would not pose any greater harm to my future, or growth as an artist. The time investment is just one thing there is no getting around when improvement is needed. Sacrifice is required, I've come to a full realization of this. It all requires courage to see it through.
To anyone out there who may be struggling with similar, or even drastically different problems regarding time. . . Just do whatever it takes to ensure you are spending it wisely. I will hate myself a bit in the morning when I am fully awake, rested and want to play. In the end it's for you, and you will love yourself for making what may seem like a painful decision at the time. :]
Happy painting, Daggers!
EDIT: I am no mathematician: 1 yr = 8,765 hrs, 800hrs/yr = 40hrs/week = 5 months. In response to the 400+ hours lost to gameplay, I've decided I double the amount of time I now spend painting in honing my skills. It will be an interesting year to come. 9/28/14.
In brief, I have quite Dark Souls; I am retiring (like some old vet, haha). It's been a game that has found a place in my heart, divided much of my time up among my craft and in all honesty a time sink. Personally, this is something that had been a long time coming. Attempts to abstain from play were not enough, and only ended in long days of binging off of the system resulting in further loss of time, it just had to go. It feels good, it was a hard decision, but I know that in the end it is ultimately in my favor. I was really into the PvP, I like the online aspect and it was pretty much addictive.
Anyways, moral of the story? Games can be good, definitely. In my case it was a matter of coming to terms with the problem at hand, and finally having the resolve to see through that it would not pose any greater harm to my future, or growth as an artist. The time investment is just one thing there is no getting around when improvement is needed. Sacrifice is required, I've come to a full realization of this. It all requires courage to see it through.
To anyone out there who may be struggling with similar, or even drastically different problems regarding time. . . Just do whatever it takes to ensure you are spending it wisely. I will hate myself a bit in the morning when I am fully awake, rested and want to play. In the end it's for you, and you will love yourself for making what may seem like a painful decision at the time. :]
Happy painting, Daggers!
EDIT: I am no mathematician: 1 yr = 8,765 hrs, 800hrs/yr = 40hrs/week = 5 months. In response to the 400+ hours lost to gameplay, I've decided I double the amount of time I now spend painting in honing my skills. It will be an interesting year to come. 9/28/14.