Would definitely appreicate a critique on this thanks!
Maybe something like this?
- less saturated background
- less saturated, darker shoulder
- bigger contrast on the head (make the planes of the head visible - divide front plane from side plane and top plane more)
- model 3d shapes with light a bit more
- add the most contrast and saturation to your focal point only

Of coz, that's my opinion and your artwork... so see how it works for you, do what you feel is good for you. :)

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It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb

Messages In This Thread
RE: Would definitely appreicate a critique on this thanks! - by kerm - 10-14-2013, 07:21 PM

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