Martin Sketchbook. Please critique!
2hr study from a 3d model I found on cghub. God there are great artists over there!
Gotta find some form of workflow, which I think I dnt have yet. Used a line layer first, then moved on to a 2 value stage and went on from there, focusing on edges a bit. And correcting values and hues a lot on the go. Also, becoming aware of certain planes I had never noticed before. Was kind of a chaotic process actually and it was a lot to think about..

Do you have any suggestions regarding my workflow/ how to do this?


Messages In This Thread
Martin Sketchbook. Please critique! - by MW-Art - 09-18-2013, 05:19 AM
RE: Martin's way of Art. Critique welcome! - by MW-Art - 10-16-2013, 04:12 AM

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