"Guardian of Chaos" - critique/need help
Hey dude, I think it looks pretty good so far. Nice use of lighting. The comp is absolutely fine but if you wanted to you could slightly angle the trees as well so they reinforce the strong triangle thing. (see Paintover) You don't want to overload the image with uneccessary detail especially in the background. Perhaps you could push some foreground lighting just to add a sense of depth and throw a little bit of secondary focus onto the kill

The hanging chicken bones are ok, though granted a little odd. In terms of developing the concept, Eduardo is right do a bit of research and see what pops up. You want to add some small things that start to suggest a bit more of a narrative, and what this dude is about. Perhaps a little "ingredients" bag or stuff on the ground next to him or some such stuff. Perhaps look at playing with pattern, within the cloak, his arms etc. Look up "maori cloak" for some ideas on patterned cloaks and things.
I grew up in Malawi (Africa) and this dude kinda reminded me of villages "gule wamkulu" who would freak the living crap out of me when ever I saw them. To start do an image search on that term and they might help you get some inventive accessorising in there as they made their costumes out of anything and everything. Hope that's useful

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RE: "Guardian of Chaos" - critique/need help - by Amit Dutta - 10-18-2013, 10:49 AM

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