10-20-2013, 12:24 AM
hey jones, great work in here! if you're struggling with faces, (and i know i did for a long time, but not as much now) my best advice is to learn a process like bridgeman or loomis or whatever, and draw just terrible faces until your eyes bleed. It's really the only way, and imo it's better to do it with pen or trying not to erase too much, because when you are forced to look at those mistakes you try to push yourself harder to fix them. another good thing to do it line up a ton of photos with faces and just draw all of them, and try to get them to look as good as you can; it sucks how long it takes to get them right, but you just gotta draw tons and eventually you'll get them right! keep pushing!
Proportions are also super important, so here is a trick i came up with that applies to every face. Take your index finger and put it on the top of your forehead and your thumb in the crease of where your nose is. If you were to flip your hand, your index finger should land in the center if your lips; so that's a super easy way to check proportions, the rest is just placement and perspective.
Proportions are also super important, so here is a trick i came up with that applies to every face. Take your index finger and put it on the top of your forehead and your thumb in the crease of where your nose is. If you were to flip your hand, your index finger should land in the center if your lips; so that's a super easy way to check proportions, the rest is just placement and perspective.