3,2,1 Deathlineee GO!
9 months to go

Ok I think it's a good idea to post my Deathline goals here. I will also post every Sunday my goals for next week. But first.

My deathline goals are:
1) Generate half of my incomes from art jobs.
a) Identify my weknessess and keep a work rutine in order to destroy my weak points.
d) Work on design skills, develop visual libary.
c) Develop portfolio which will contain:
- 5 fully finished illustrations (book cover format)
- 5 ip designs (character+enviroments+props+backstory)
d) get out there and talk to people!

2) Move to different country
a) Save at least 1/4 of my salary. Every month.
b) Improve my English
c) take care of every formal issues (work visa, getting a job, health ensurance etc.)

3) Improve my figure.
It's hardly a goal cuz it's not that specific as previous ones.
a) swim 2 times a week for 2 hours.
b) getting back into martial art

And that's it. I saw once Daves work schedule so I decided to make my own. Here it is.

[Image: schedule+copy.JPG]

Good luck with your deathline!


Messages In This Thread
3,2,1 Deathlineee GO! - by ramalooke - 01-25-2012, 10:41 PM
RE: 3,2,1 Deathlineee GO! - by Heliux - 12-30-2013, 04:30 PM
RE: 3,2,1 Deathlineee GO! - by darktiste - 12-31-2013, 06:35 AM

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