Craig's Deathline

1. Study every day, for at least 2 hours in total. This includes a study drawing or painting, as well as video workshop study on whatever my current top is at the time (learning more of a particular Game engine, improving 3D skills, composition, perspective drawing, etc.

2. Develop a BRILLIANT portfolio showcasing 3D, texturing and 2D skills worth getting me hired.

3. Improve TENFOLD my fundamental skills in 2D, when it comes to composition, perspective, colour and light, anatomy and such (add more).

4. Get work in the games industry as an environment artist, either at a studio or with an indie team.

5. Start making money off art to support my learning lifestyle along with my other jobs. Either through commission, contract work online or odd jobs

6. Improve my physical health & physique so I feel like a manly man. Have an amazing eating and exercise lifestyle, working and improving my exercise regime every day.

7. Don't spend all my time at the computer. If I am there, use it productively.

8. Get back to music. Get back to doing vocals. Get back to guitar. Get really good at guitar!

9. Be Happy, in the way I know I really want to be.


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Craig's Deathline - by CrayGoats - 03-20-2012, 12:17 PM

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