Nerds, dorks and other geeky kinds.
It's true, not everyone is nerdy in the same ways. I am a big history and art nerd, but not a gamer. I don't own a console, and apart from a few times when I was a kid, I've never played a video game in my entire life. Card games and roleplay are equally uninteresting for me, it just seems so pointless to do something that doesn't result in a finished creative product (or yummy cookies :D )

(However, I have fun with my boyfriend... that's the only kind of "gaming" I like, but not appropiate to tell here, haha!)

However I consume books and movies, without focusing on a particular genre. I'm interested in most subjects both fiction and nonfiction, not necessarily just fantasy although people look at my paintings and think I'm a fantasy geek. XD I'm definitely not.

KRISTINA GEHRMANN - Illustration - Painting - Concept art


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Nerds, dorks and other geeky kinds. - by Rognoll - 11-01-2013, 02:18 AM
RE: Nerds, dorks and other geeky kinds. - by Maidith - 11-03-2013, 09:54 PM

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