Treetop Highway - Progress Critique
Newcalibre - Holy shit, thank you for such taking a time to write such a detailed crit man. I really appreciate it!

Great advice! I had a lot of similar ideas as well - especially the idea of the highway being sort of a trade route. I guess I got kind of scared to put all the people and traffic into the environment because it's kind of outside my comfort zone, I never really placed people in my environments much, and the perspective I was working on here intimidated me a little. But no excuses now!

For the deadline, yeah it's pretty tight. I kind of started on the cleaner line drawing already lol. But thanks for the tips! The selective focused painting is definitely an important reminder for me, I often waste my time noodling away at unimportant areas when I paint.

For the focal point, yeah I'll definitely try to address that using values. The business of the image now is worrying me a little bit as well, but no choice but to start first and see where it goes lol. I'll just have to keep that in mind as I paint.

Alright, so I've got 2 of the images here. First is the cleaned up line drawing, which I seperated into fore, mid and background. I decided that the caravans are pulled by giant insects to give it more of a fantasy element, so I added those in. Plus some figures here and there.

The second image is just a quick value study before I start the actual painting. Trying to establish the focal point of my image. Still looks kind of messy though..

Ok. Some self-crits - I'd want to add some birds for scale to show that the insects are actually giant insects and this isn't some elf, fairy whatever miniature world. And also I should consider widening the main highway, as per Newcalibre's advice, I think looks pretty small and cramped now. Plus I think it would help the composition by making it a stronger focal point.


Messages In This Thread
Treetop Highway - Progress Critique - by LongJh - 11-02-2013, 12:39 PM
RE: Treetop Highway - Progress Critique - by LongJh - 11-04-2013, 04:10 AM

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