Noah Bradley: Don't go to art school.
You have to ask yourself if the people you meet at school are going to be the contacts you need in your career. If you are going to a school that's mostly modern crap, will the other students be as motivated as you are to learn anatomy? Dan Dos Santos once mentioned being in the same class as James Jean and how they were competing all the time, but what if there had been only people who splash paint at his school? I have met people in video game school that I still talk to to this day, but many of them are not useful contacts to me (they are in the 3D/technical side of things.) However thanks to forums, conventions and the IMC, I know many epic illustrators (and yes, they do know me as well.)


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RE: Noah Bradley: Don't go to art school. - by ChantalFournier - 11-09-2013, 08:16 AM

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