11-12-2013, 08:11 PM
Those glasses are neat... Nice idea with the guy on worm. I don't know how did you come up with such mean of transport idea. But man, I would love to have one of these instead of a car. :) When it comes to 2000px... for me it's kind of hard to draw on small image resolutions. After all, brushes have textures, patterns, etc. and when the canvas is to small it's hard to get most of it. Even with the round brush, when you draw on a small canvas it's kind of hard to get thin, not blurry lines. You draw pretty good and yes, pencil on paper has imho more dpi than 2000px photoshop canvas. So who knows, maybe the hardware is limiting you right know, not your skills. To be honest I do not touch anything smaller than 4000px. The 100% zoom looks like shit, but still, it contains all the brush patterns, etc. When you scale it down to about 2000px it starts to look right. What's more, imho that's the right aproach, because when you have to draw in for example 200% zoom, even the size of the brush is fake and somehow uncontrollable.
It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.
My Sketchbook (critique welcome)
My Sketchbook (critique welcome)