[oil/canvas] Trouble depicting forest-y mountains
(12-13-2013, 09:32 AM)Ward217 Wrote: im not exactly a pro but this is what is drilled into me every day at school. work in thin glazes of colour, very watered down. find the base colour, so for the trees perhaps a muted dark green, then build from there. find textures or techniques that help by practicing in a sketchbook and experiment.
the main thing is, dont get attached- think of every painting as one you are going to throw away anyways, so just go at it. if its any good then keep it! sorry i cant be more help, thats all i have to offer im afraid, good luck, i know its scary!

So like when doing digital painting, do a monochrome paint first then add color kind of idea? I'll give it a try. Back in school I was actually taught complete opposite - put the color down the way you meant it to be. But that's probably because most of the teachings are intended for painting from life, outdoors, where you never really know how much time you have, and if you'll ever get to go back to the same spot second time, or if the same model is coming back next week.


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RE: [oil/canvas] Trouble depicting forest-y mountains - by meat - 12-13-2013, 02:09 PM

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