Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
Hey, thanks for stopping by my sketchbook. In reply to your question there.. I have a really big desk lol and still barely have enough room. I think I would suggest a medium to most people because the intuos large is a little too large in my opinion (also the nibs wear down WAYYYYYYY faster, already almost through one and I have only had it for less than two weeks..)

For this last painting there is a huge tangent with foreground man. For all I know, he is a big mother of a giant staring serenely at the mountains behind the character. I know that's not the case, mostly through values, but try adding in some overlap there since he is a little too separated. Also, if you arent 100% on anatomy, be nice to yourself and take out two of the four arms that one guy has. Making something like that convincing, especially from the back is really really hard. Looks like you will have fun doing some back studies though.. Lotta back there.

As for going in to detailing, work from big to little. Light everything like it is the same material, then go back through and change the speculars and values to make each material look right (skin, bone, horn, steel etc). I would do this in greyscale first then move in to colour.

For lighting, it may look best if you put the sun right behind the mountains behind the female lead. Or alternatively because back lighting is kind of rough, maybe light coming from below as if they are coming out from hell or something. It would also give you a chance to pick those guys off of the rocks with light, since at the moment there values are very similar.

Good stuff though. Keep up the good work :)


Messages In This Thread
RE: Would you like to come up and see my etchings? - by Jaik - 01-05-2014, 08:41 AM
RE: Would you like to come up and see my etchings? - by Sean McCLain - 10-18-2014, 03:33 AM

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