Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Hey everybody.
This year I really want to improve a big deal so I hope this place here will help me get extra motivation and track my progress! Anyways I'm happy to be here, I lurked around some days and had a look at some great sketchbooks feeling super inspired afterwards.
My passion for drawing is based on my love for Manga & Comic, and I guess it still shows in my art. My goal would be to have a semi-realistic style somehow, but I came to the conclusion that I'll just study life and style happens a long the way. Here's just a little record what I want to focus on this year:

- improve my figure drawing, especially dynamic poses
- backgrounds - desperately
- colours - I'd like to use more realistic colours
- digital art - I need to work a lot here, I'm actually a passionate watercolorist
- animals
- bascially everything

To start my sketchbook have a mix of newer and old stuff, mainly from my sketchbook, and two digital wips that I found on my hard drive. I hope to continue them some day. I also hope I can post on a regular base as sometimes I'm quite busy. I'm currently working trough Vanderpoel's "The human figure". Figures are also from lifedrawing or from stock photos.

[Image: cd_01_by_cyprinusfox-d721nfg.jpg]
[Image: cd_02_by_cyprinusfox-d721nez.jpg]
[Image: cd_03_by_cyprinusfox-d721nep.jpg]
[Image: lifedrawing_by_cyprinusfox-d721ne7.jpg]
[Image: lioblah_by_cyprinusfox-d721nbt.jpg]
[Image: milweapon_by_cyprinusfox-d721nb9.jpg]

(Wayofbrush is my tumblr log)



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Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 01-14-2014, 03:25 AM

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