Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
First at all: Thank you everybody for the replies!

@Hypnagogic_Haze Thank you! I'm actually really really into beautiful lines and all, so I'm glad you like mine! I hope to have a chance to do more sketches like in the restaurant as well, but it's been a while since I went out and all. Need to change that.

@Nowio Yeah, thanks to you! Thanks a lot! Good luck with your Loomis studies (:

@Doolio Hey!!! (: Thanks for stopping by my sketchbook and thank you! I'm glad you like this stuff!

@smrrfette Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I'll definitely keep it up, this year I feel like fighting a lot!

@meat Thank you! Glad you like my stuff! Your words are very encouraging I hope I can push my limits a big deal this year!

So unfortunately yesterday I didn't feel well and as a result I didn't manage to do something decent. However, your comments were really energizing so that today I could start refreshed! I'm a bit disappointed though because it feels like I need an awful lot of time for every study, and right now I'm very busy and I don't have too much time to spend on them...well I think I just brush away the doubts and go on. Gotta squeeze some studies in whenever I find the time. I wish I also had the time to surf around in the great sketchbooks here, but this will have to wait a little until I'm not as busy anymore!

Continued the Vanderpoel-Book today and arrived at the mouth/chin chapter

[Image: cd_04_by_cyprinusfox-d72bpx0.jpg]

I forgot to mention that besides dynamic poses I want to improve at extreme angles, so have some studies done from senshistock again, plus right bottom is an original character from imagination, but the clothing is semi ref done with a fashion catalogue. Want to get better at realistic fashion so I need to learn about the seams etc. (wanted to do more of these but ran out of time)

[Image: cd_05_by_cyprinusfox-d72bpx9.jpg]

Finally lifedrawing started again! From today's session:

[Image: lifedrawing_15012014_by_cyprinusfox-d72bt4t.jpg]

And finally, I started a study of a pacific rim screenshot...when I made it ready for upload I already saw a million wrong things. Likeness always takes a long time in to develop in my paintings...XD Overall I think I still use colours that are too light. I should do some value studies first maybe...and: does anybody have advice on lips and colour? I just never seem to get it right. Everybody looks like they are wearing lipstick all the time....

[Image: pacific_rim_study_15012014_by_cyprinusfox-d72bpyd.jpg]

Ahhh I talk too much!



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RE: The journey is the reward! Sketchbook & Progess Log - by Cyprinus - 01-16-2014, 08:49 AM

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