Is it worth me upgrading to an Intuos?
I never went for a cheaper alternative before "upgrading" to a pricier brand. But I honestly wish I bothered to do so, just to know 100% if "upgrading" is really a waste of time.

Something tells me it is. There's a point where added pressure sensitivity doesn't make a lick of difference.

The only upgrading I've done is from an intuos 2 to a 4, and it was only for school reasons. My school had upgraded all of their classroom cintiqs to ones that required a newer pen in order to work, and it turned out that it was a better deal to buy a pen and a tablet instead of the pen by itself.

I haven't noticed much difference between the two tablets, whenever I use them. But for convenience reasons, I use the newer one. My old one is too big to carry around, and that was due to the fact that before that one I never had a tablet before, and really didn't know what it was like. I had learned years later that it was better to have a small one.

Sorry I can't be any more helpful than that. I've never used a graphire.

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Is it worth me upgrading to an Intuos? - by Burl - 01-22-2014, 05:12 AM
RE: Is it worth me upgrading to an Intuos? - by Psychotime - 01-23-2014, 10:21 AM

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