04-06-2012, 10:04 AM
Thanks for the link i need more sites to do life drawing from!!!
(03-31-2012, 10:40 PM)isra-ac Wrote: Thanks for the comments on the gesture drawings, here I have more I drew the other day but this time in a different way. I used the page Alex Negrea gave me:
I set the timer to 3 minutes, the references were random (the previous sessions were selected by me) and I used the graphire instead of the cintiq, that's why they look a bit worse now, it was more challenging lol
This is a very rough sketch of my final concept of Max, considering the feedback I got from the previous sketches. I like 2, but I'm wondering if it's well balanced (center of gravity), that's why I drew 1. The bust won't change that much, but I'm working on the legs.....
Feedback will be welcome!