Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
My advice, don't even worry about anatomical accuracy when you're pushing the proportions! Just let yourself be free and then you can reign it all in. I take a tiny sketchbook to life drawing sessions so I can do little thumbnails and play with making extreme shapes, and then draw a bigger drawing using the design I worked out where I actually think about the construction and anatomy.But if the construction and anatomy gets in the way of what you think would look best, just ditch it! you''re the boss! No one will ever know!

as for edges, don't have anything too comprehensive but you might want to take a loot at Mark Tennant's drawings and try to get some of the lost and soft edges he uses in your stuff:
I think the way he puts just enough information in the drawing to explain it and leaves a lot up to the viewer's imagination is really cool!


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RE: The journey is the reward! Sketchbook & Progess Log - by Samszym - 01-24-2014, 02:05 PM

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