Validity of style choice? (or something like that:) )
Yes, I understand what you're saying. I agree with you. That's how I think in general, but I was wondering if that kind of thinking is applicable to anime specifically:) Which might sound unnecessarily strange, so I'll elaborate a bit.

I've always regarded anime as some strange sort of thing, very specific when it comes to these things we talk about here, hence this topic, so I could sort that out and see if I'm mistaken or maybe exaggerating things. So while, of course, I wouldn't aim to draw furries for cash and cry at lonely nights because of my ill fate, we always have to think about compromises (to some degree) as we aim to do commercial artwork in the end. For example, if I was painting penises or something like that, I would have liked someone to say to me that, even if I like it, it won't be extremely helpful in the commercial illustration/concept art field and that I should tweak my approach a bit. That's basically what I tried to do with this post, to get feedback what's the situation like. Of course, that doesn't mean I aim to shape myself entirely to something everybody likes just because it's popular and it pays. It's more of a thing that I won't run naked in the streets even if that's something I like, as the only thing I could get from that is jail and fine:)

So I created this thread to search for answers and feedback about that. If anime market was some kind of impenetrable fortress, I would probably think about tweaking my approach, in the end, this is my profession and not something I do leisurely. I think there are no absolutes in that matter and that even top artists avoid drawing certain things they may like or tweak them (I mean, statistically, at least several of them would be insatiable porn fiends:D or something like that), although they do what they want in large percentage. (something a beginner can't really afford, unless he's flipping burgers while not at it:) ).

Also, I'm not exactly in my prime years to hone my skills in a specific direction and find out it was a somewhat futile experiment:) It could actually boil down to flipping burgers:D

So, basically, I was wondering "is there a point" - and that may been worded poorly and I might get a sound YES THERE IS IF YOU WANT IT, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, but after this post I hope I've explained my reasons for creating this thread a bit better. So, I don't want you to assume that I want to shape myself like like clay towards something popular or that I think it would be enjoyable to become some kind of "industry puppet", that would be too banal, so to speak. I was just being pragmatic about the matter, as I don't really know the status of anime stylization in non-asian markets. Or, on the other hand, is there a possibility to reach asian markets if you're not asian. Stuff like that. So I might have given out an impression of someone that "has no spirit" but I'm just rationally wondering about the whole situation.

That said, your last paragraph tells me what I want to hear:) And, about the dub music, that's the thing - I might have misconceptions when it comes to anime and I want to clear them (or see that they are in fact true). I see anime style as a strange beast when it comes to these things, hence this thread, if I was aiming to do high level art nouveau, I wouldn't have this dilemma, although art nouveau is far, far less popular and niche than anime, for the simple reason I don't see the aggravating factors to be, well, that aggravating:)
That's why, even if I am well aware of japanese dub or hip hop or russian rap or taiwan breakdancing, when it comes to anime per se, I'm a bit confused, I must say.

Ah yes, when I say "anime" I mean the style only, which is really a wide range of styles, for example this

as well as this

or this

So it's not that narrow as it might seem:)

Maybe this thread could be simplified like this - if you were Jaime Jones of jaimejonesness, you would be highly wanted artist undoubtedly. Would it be the same if you were Jaime Jones of anime, while not being japanese/asian? Or is there some kind of "absolute gaijin barrier" that simply doesn't give a damn?:)
Because, achieving whichever level of skill isn't something that would discourage me. If I fail, it's due to me not working hard enough. But if the matter is something entirely else, which would be unaffected by things I could do, then that's another thing.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Validity of style choice? (or something like that:) ) - by Doolio - 01-28-2014, 10:07 PM

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