Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
@Samszym: I guess you're right...I think I just always get a bit under pressure because I told myself to master anatomy as best as I can. I often fear, that when I let myself be free and "play" a bit, that I might etch wrong things into my brain which are hard to erase afterwards. I really like the idea with the thumbnails though, I'm gonna try that out as well maybe! Thanks also for the new artist suggestion (colours in his work is also so good!) and the overall input!

Well I'm always shocked how fast a week is over. Somewhere between the last days I kind of hit the frustration wall and spent my time sitting idly in front of it (or so it feels). I can't even say what it was exactly, but well, we all have these times. I'm back to my spirits now though and finally found the time to go on studying a bit, and also had an idea or two concerning future stuff I'd like to try. It's just difficult right now to find the time for everything...conventions are coming up and I need to prepare stuff. I wish I didn't feel so disappointed...but January is almost over already...

Did some gestures again and well, THIS frustrated me a lot. I mean, I was never really satisfied with them but the new ones don't look better compared to my old ones. Gotta practice more........I find it hard to find a decent way to express the arms. Also Vanderpoel, mouths from photo + imagination (I arrived at the ear section now) and two digital doodles. I need to figure out how to draw lashes as well.

[Image: gestures_01_by_cyprinusfox-d744b7h.jpg]

[Image: cs_09_by_cyprinusfox-d744b8a.jpg]

[Image: cs_10_by_cyprinusfox-d744b7r.jpg]



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RE: The journey is the reward! Sketchbook & Progess Log - by Cyprinus - 01-29-2014, 06:20 AM

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