01-29-2014, 03:10 PM
{in order}
figuredrawing from the weekend: 30min. graphite. nude model
new practice I'm thinking of, involving looking at a picture and trying to draw it from memory, then correcting it later.
something I tried to draw using shapes from the program alchemy as inspiration Need to practice inking the features of the face to do this.
anime color study, trying to see how some artist used color/rendering. source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?m...d=40538125
studying michael hampton, took some reference and trying to find the landmarks.
Okay why not, have this failure too
It's become apparent to me that I'm not ready to paint the figure from imagination >.<
figuredrawing from the weekend: 30min. graphite. nude model
new practice I'm thinking of, involving looking at a picture and trying to draw it from memory, then correcting it later.
something I tried to draw using shapes from the program alchemy as inspiration Need to practice inking the features of the face to do this.
anime color study, trying to see how some artist used color/rendering. source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?m...d=40538125
studying michael hampton, took some reference and trying to find the landmarks.
Okay why not, have this failure too
It's become apparent to me that I'm not ready to paint the figure from imagination >.<