Looking for another serious production artist
So I'm still here. I haven't checked in on C&D for a long time. I think I'm going to be more regular on here from now on. I'll start posting in the sketchbook forum to keep a record of my progress. I've pretty much given up on 30 minute speed paintings--I don't seem to be making much improvements that way. I think I'm more interested in just collaborating with one or two other artists on some environment studies.

I think it would be really cool and great practice to pick a theme for an environment painting with another artist and give ourselves a deadline to finish the work without sharing progress updates until the job is completed. Afterwards, discuss in detail the creative process and techniques used to finish the work. I'll totally explain my tricks and techniques for constructing environments quickly with minimal effort and I'll offer truly harsh but helpful critiques of your work along the way--that way you'll have concrete info on how to improve. I'm spent more than a decade receiving some of the harshest critiques from professors and fellow students in my time so I think I know how to dish it out as well! I'm thinking we could do maybe like two or three paintings of a single theme; something that can be easily achievable in 1-2 days and we'll stay connected through Skype. That way we can chat while we paint to alleviate some boredom during the process.

Does anyone want to join me in this little group? I think something like this would offer excellent practice and experience for the real world of production design for film and games. Working on 2-4 paintings in a single day would really help with multitasking and work flow efficiency.

The more I think about this idea the more excited I'm getting about it. I think this would really help me improve quickly. It's been well over six months since I started this thread and I haven't met my deadline of a finished portfolio yet--I'm not even close and I'm starting to get frustrated with that. So if this strikes your fancy, drop me a line on here and we'll get started. In the meantime, I'm going to kickstart my sketchbook on here today to give myself some motivation.

I'll keep my eye on this thread in case anyone is interested...


Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for another serious production artist - by zohanx747 - 10-28-2013, 03:22 PM
RE: Looking for another serious production artist - by Eric - 02-06-2014, 01:07 AM

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