Jh's Sketchbook! Study. Practice! APPLY!
Lyraina- Cool, thanks! I've been trying to work on my edges more lately. But I always get impatient and end up being scribbly instead, haha. I'll definitely be working on that!

Been awhile since the last update (again). Just gonna post up some older stuff I got lying around.

Completed this back in early February.

[Image: AEGIS-FALLEN_1200px.jpg]

Back to the fundamentals again. Studying how ellipses work in perspective and trying to practice how to draw them freehand. I've got stacks of scrap paper filled with random circles and lines I have to get rid of now. Found some neat tutorials online that teaches ellipse drawing - just search "anatomy of ellipse" in Google. The first couple of links should be it.

[Image: ID+-+0028.jpg]

[Image: ID+-+0029.jpg]

More portraits from life. Still really clumsy in drawing. It never seems to get easier.

[Image: Portrait+-+0041.jpg]

Aaaand more silly, messy sketchies

[Image: Sketchbook+-+0114.jpg]

[Image: Sketchbook+-+0115.jpg]

[Image: Sketchbook+-+0116.jpg]


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RE: Jh's Sketchbook! Study. Practice! APPLY! - by LongJh - 03-11-2014, 08:11 PM

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