How to begin studying drawing properly? (complete beginner)
Quote:Do you recommend George R.R Bridgman? I have copied his work to a more understanding point of view but I dont think I can draw like him without looking at it.

And to the main dude on this post, bro check out my drawing there really bad im in the sameboat, I honestly dont care anymore I need people to tell me im shit so I can do something about it. I feel like im not alone when I read this post. Great replies too. Cheers

bridgman is great! i have to get to it eventually. frank frazetta copied his book on anatomy along with victor pirard's in just one night.

"What I did was that I copied every page in each book. I stayed up all night; I just made my mind to copy every single drawing in each book. I knew it would just stay in my mind forever.That’s the gist of my anatomy studies, really. That’s all I ever did. You still keep learning as you go along. I remembered a lot of it. I drew them from the skeleton right on up. That’s all very good. But it’s more what you do with it. It’s the lighting, it’s the action, it’s the action you select: it’s not just how well you draw the anatomy. What’s the point of it? If you know your anatomy, and the figures are boring, it doesn’t help."

to sum it up, its all about taking what you can from your resources and building on them and then putting years and years of hard work in. find what works for you too, because everybody is different. good luck man

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RE: How to begin studying drawing properly? (complete beginner) - by BenFlores - 03-21-2014, 01:13 PM

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