Help me with this sketch(size problem)
In addition to the others good advice, using atmospheric perspective is really key in implying scale. There is more atmosphere between the viewer and things in the distance. The bigger something is the further away parts of it are from you, the more you need to show this atmosphere. General rule is less contrast, cooler hues, less saturation the further you go.

And if you are stumbling with your specific illustration, finding that one perfect reference is better than a 100 soso ones because it helps you focus. I believe Master Jaime can help you with this one. And really study the reference....I mean just take 10 minutes and look at it in as high a res as you can, study the brushwork, the edges, the palette. Notice things that suggest how it was painted. This will help you more when you start painting, than just quickly jumping in and trying to emulate what you see. It's really surprising how even when we look at something to study, we don't often really look and understand!!

[Image: tumblr_mgjoke7yUJ1rv5690o1_1280.jpg]

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RE: Help me with this sketch(size problem) - by Amit Dutta - 03-29-2014, 07:42 AM

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