04-08-2014, 02:38 AM
Hey dude, cool stuff recently!!! Really digging that inn design, it's got this run-down poor side of ye-olde-town feeling working for it really well!
minor crit on page 10, you've got the guy character looking to the right on the first panel and then to the left on the second panel, even though he's looking at the same thing in both of them. That sort of confuses me directionally, not really sure where anything is. Just something I think you might want top watch out for when you're doing layouts for these Xd
keep rocking! and late happy 24th bday!!!
minor crit on page 10, you've got the guy character looking to the right on the first panel and then to the left on the second panel, even though he's looking at the same thing in both of them. That sort of confuses me directionally, not really sure where anything is. Just something I think you might want top watch out for when you're doing layouts for these Xd
keep rocking! and late happy 24th bday!!!