Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Hey everybody!

Hope you are all doing well.

Oh wow, I take that as a huge compliment! I'm happy you think my line holds some kind of energy. Well I drink coffee too sometimes XD, but other than that I'm just very obsessed with beautiful lines and line quality. It's something I've been always paying attention to and so I've cultivated it I think.

Thank you so much, glad you like them! I really want to master the medium some day. I just need to venture into new realms with them or else it won't work orz

Thank you so much for your words! Altough lately I feel like I've been slacking too much, but I also wasn't feeling too well. I hope it will be better now.
I really liked your suggestions about some different approach. I haven't tried out too much until now but I'll hopefully do a bit more in the future. At least I took my watercolours to lifedrawing this time in order to paint and think more in shapes instead of lines like I usually do with the brushpen. Thank you for the input, it's always helpful!
The con was good, although it's a rather small one. I'm always happy to meet old and new friends though, always a special time <3

Thanks a ton! I'm always very happy to hear that my works inspire others, it's really a big compliment for an artist!
On a funny side note, I was really like -GASP- when I saw your Aki - Icon because I read your comment right after I turned my PS3 and Persona 3 off XD;

Just a brief update, watercolours from life drawing (I only have about 10-12minutes for each and it's really a challenge ): ), some personal stuff and experiments and I started with hampton, because I just didn't feel right with Vanderpoel at the moment. I mean I like the drawings but I got lost in the descriptions somehow. Well, the last days I took some time off to think and relax/play. I think in the past I was too obsessed with improvement and put myself under a lot of pressure and far too high expectations. It left me disappointed and unmotivated as well, and instead of doing me good, it was counter-productive. This evening I will sit down and think of a new schedule to get my studies in order again. I want to approach everything with a good mental attitude now to finally unlock my creativity again and come out of this annoying slump.

[Image: watercolour_lifedrawing_by_cyprinusfox-d7e9o6y.jpg]

[Image: hampton_01_by_cyprinusfox-d7e9o77.jpg]

[Image: experiments_01_by_cyprinusfox-d7e9o7a.jpg]

[Image: kyranwaterlilies2_by_cyprinusfox-d7e9o74.jpg]

I know that there technically would be a water surface that would distort everything, but well........let's just see this as some kind of surreal painting...



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RE: The journey is the reward! Sketchbook & Progess Log - by Cyprinus - 04-13-2014, 11:27 PM

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