What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook)
Jaik - Thanks as always dude. I'm probably always going to need someone to bug me to do not studies xD, so lazy... :(


K so this week I ended up just watching a bunch of movies, like at the cinema outside! Got to catch up with a bunch of different friends, had good times. First saw Noah, which might seem like an odd choice but the director has done some of my favorite movies (requiem for a dream, black swan, the wrestler, pi, the fountain, i think i just ended up naming all his movies), so even though from trailers it looked like some crazy dumb lord of the rings thing, I gave it a chance at was rewarded with a very decent movie. Next was Lego Movie, which is absolutely pretty much the best. Has all sorts of messages about creativity and the creative processes, even addressing the whole how do we deal with commercial interests and business in art; like the unavoidable fact that taken at surface level the movie is just a big advertisement for Lego. I was also surprised at the humor being of the Community/Rick and Morty/Adventure Time type audience, i.e. me. It made me look up the other movies the directors have done, and although cloudy meatballs was adequate, 21 jump street was damn good. Last thing I saw was Captain America 2 , which was better than I expected. Usually action doesn't really carry a movie for me, but the plot was more than sufficient and the action seemed way better than usual.

So hopefully the movie talk distracted you from the lack of art I have to post. Here it is.


[Image: 0029---Practice07042014_zps8aab3cc4.jpg]

[Image: 0030---Practice07042014_zps055000a3.jpg]

[Image: 0031---Practice08042014_zpsca08c0ab.jpg]

Actual creative work

[Image: 0032---Practice07042014_zps527f777b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0166_zpsc97e56ca.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0167_zps8f5096e7.jpg]

[Image: aaaaaaaaaaaaa_zps474d4a6b.png]

Was inspired by Ursula to try do more environment stuff after seeing so much improvement in just a month. Was aiming to do 1 imagined environment a day ended up doing 1 in the whole week :(. I blame going to the movies so much, stupid friends :(

Crimson Arena coming along. Haven't done this whole character design thing in like a year, but defiantly feeling way more confident with my draftsmanship this time around. Hopefully it shows in the final. I probably won't end up rendering or even cleaning up the rear view, but it was good to figure out the design. I found myself sketching on the side for a few things like the pistol, had quite a few variants, maybe I will post them when its done.

K going to wake up at 5am now, thanks for lookin, let's go next week!


Messages In This Thread
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt today (Sketchbook) - by KyleScary - 04-27-2012, 02:15 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by stace - 07-16-2012, 08:25 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by FOERVRAENGD - 07-23-2012, 10:30 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by DanilleG - 09-11-2012, 10:17 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by kevin - 09-12-2012, 12:38 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by deerandfox - 09-17-2012, 04:57 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by Fännek - 10-22-2012, 10:27 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by Fei Ou - 11-26-2012, 03:23 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by kaikaisushi - 04-16-2013, 02:25 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by Brawk - 07-12-2013, 03:57 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by ImSkeptical - 04-13-2014, 11:55 PM

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