04-15-2014, 07:26 AM
@Tygerson Thanks Tygerson! I try to get back into it. Watching the Michael Hampton videos.
@mat04art thanks. the second pair of Yvonne-studies was intenionally timed to see if i got the main features already -need to do more of this. Using a less textured brush always led to a very lifeless picture when i tried it in the recent times. Need to find a way around it.
Motivated by Sulamoon i made a skull study - no colorpicking at all - what is seldom for me as i normally pick at least the base tone before varying on it.
@mat04art thanks. the second pair of Yvonne-studies was intenionally timed to see if i got the main features already -need to do more of this. Using a less textured brush always led to a very lifeless picture when i tried it in the recent times. Need to find a way around it.
Motivated by Sulamoon i made a skull study - no colorpicking at all - what is seldom for me as i normally pick at least the base tone before varying on it.