Can I get some critique/paintover?
(04-17-2014, 03:09 PM)lookformeagain Wrote: Hey man, to be honest the color of the bg was a bit spontaneous and because of the red and green complementary thing, but consider the mood that it bring to the image is really interesting. The blood of the squids actually is kinda a purplish hue and the color of the squids was similar to that one I use, I mean, in the reference and on little research I did, so I kinda, maybe, didn't feel confortable changing it... But I would consider changing it and try not to follow the reference to much. The bg size and the spaces from the side haven't a specific reason, like the colour, was kinda of spontaneous too.
But thanks for the ideas, and I will remember about colour and their moods often.

When you construct an image try to keep every element purposed-ful. Anything there can be serving to build the image up, and sometimes when you're not mindful with them, you can accidentally do the opposite without realizing it.

As for following reference, they're crucial for grounds to build a piece on, but be wary of trying to be too true to fact/logic/realism. It can stealthily tie your creativity down like Gulliver. There is always room for interpretation unless you're doing science/medical illustration.

Regarding squids, many - not sure if all - species are capable of changing their skin colors and patterns on them with the blink of an eye. More interestingly it's not just for camouflage, but also for "talking" and signalling their mood - anger, predatory, fear, curious, challenging another male, etc. So in this case you can get away quite easily with "unusual" colored squids because in your piece they seem to be still alive. :)


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RE: Can I get some critique/paintover? - by meat - 04-17-2014, 01:01 PM
RE: Can I get some critique/paintover? - by meat - 04-17-2014, 10:07 PM

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