Edit (20/4, way after due date): I forgot a couple of pieces that go with this, linked here and here. I didn't want to add them in to the images I already had uploaded on time, discount them if need be, but I just wanted all the images together in one place.

Looking good so far guys.

Sorry for the weird order of the pics, I may uplaod and those them on my own website and insert them into the post later..

Had some problems with this one -_- my computer froze mid save and corrupted the file, so had to work from an earlier version so there are some parts that should be more detailed, that aren't :( But I really enjoyed this challenge so I think I will continue to work on it later
/end excuses.

I chose the Queen of Stormhaven (thought it said raven, hence the feathers and bird motif's everywhere >.<) as a cavalry charger.
I layered the armor using layers on photoshop so that you can see how they all fit together, which helped a lot for making sure everything actually works.

Came up with a story behind the character (won't type it because no one really cares, lets be honest), which really helped to keep the motivation up and come up with designs. I highly recommend doing this if anyone doesn't already. Getting a model to pose exactly like you want the finished piece also helps heaps with the head, a problem I always have with concept art is getting the head to sit on the body properly..

*ends delirious cold and flu tablet induced rant*

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RE: CRIMSON ARENA 2 - Leading Ladies FINALS - by Aenea - 04-18-2014, 03:39 PM
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RE: CRIMSON ARENA 2 - Leading Ladies FINALS - by nraza - 04-24-2014, 04:12 PM

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