04-19-2014, 06:44 AM
@Samszym: Oh yeah I totally agree, I always think my painting are kinda bland, I totally dig these artists you linked and I am trying to get away from the smooth blendings and what not. I totally dig the work of LD Austin (and all of the blizzard artists) and she does mixture a bit of that too. Thanks and don't worry, I'm listening to those critiques.
@Tul: Thanks man!
@lungcell: Thanks, and you can paint them over no problem. The nostrils are definetly wrong, I guess I'm having some issues on these 3/4 poses, nose, biceps and I have to study on that.
Gonna have to halt studies this month because have been illustrating for work around 12 hours every day, probably gonna push hard next month again.
@Tul: Thanks man!
@lungcell: Thanks, and you can paint them over no problem. The nostrils are definetly wrong, I guess I'm having some issues on these 3/4 poses, nose, biceps and I have to study on that.
Gonna have to halt studies this month because have been illustrating for work around 12 hours every day, probably gonna push hard next month again.