Hard work + Determination = Growth
Hello Everyone!
My name is Alexey Savchuk. I am from Moscow, Russia.
Welcome to my sketchbook where I am going to post my everyday sketches, studies and WIP's personal projects, also will share a little history of my progress and discuss feelings and issues arising during the course of creating current projects and how to deal with them.
I hope it will be interesting for someone...
I will start with short history:
My journey of studying drawing at the beginning was a roller-coaster
I showed interest to drawing in mid-2010, just as one of the options of what I want to do with my life, and after about one and a half years, at the end of 2011 drawing eventually won me over and I fell in love with it...
Some of my sketches and studies mid-2010 - 2011

to be continued...

My Art Progress + Putting stuff on Deviantart + Making Videos on YouTube + Streaming on Twitch + more on Discord

Messages In This Thread
Hard work + Determination = Growth - by Alexey Savchuk - 04-19-2014, 12:44 PM
RE: Hard work + Determination = Growth - by meat - 05-07-2014, 06:52 AM

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