How do you talk to people at conventions or workshops?
Big Grin 
Hey guys, so like the title says.. i was just wondering.. like, how do you that? like for networking and stuff. Talking to pros at their tables or whatever. Im kinda shy when talking to strangers and stuff, like, nothing comes out lol. But there is some workshops coming up this year and i really want to do it, like just go and meet people and network. But what the hell do you even say?

I tried before in a smaller conventions with some fantasy artist .. and all i could come up with was "Hey man, thats pretty good stuff you got there" and their response would be like " Yea thanks man" and thats it.. haha it'd just die there and move on to the next table.. and repeat.

I guess i just want to hear peoples opinion on the matter and their experiences of what you guys say to people and the artist you admire when you meet them at these events.

Like im planning on going to the massive black workshop in december or whenever it happens this year and i don't wanna fuck it up. I want to make the most of it.

So.. thoughts?


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How do you talk to people at conventions or workshops? - by Jeso - 04-23-2014, 04:42 PM

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