Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
@Lyraina Yeah, it kind of puts a lot of pressure on me, time-wise, as we mostly only do poses for max. 15min. It feels very short for me. I stopped doing sketches and now smash the watercolours directly on the paper, which safes time but still gives me trouble with proportions. I'm glad you like them so far though! After all, they help me see shapes somehow. Thanks also so much for your thoughts on the cover! I'm totally clueless about what to do with the spider. I actually wanted the "vignette" to look like the neckline of his clothing, and the spider is supposed to be crawling up from under it. Maybe it will help already if I paint the other legs and don't let it fade into the shadow that much. Anyways, I need to brush up my spider anatomy beforehand XD

So of course when I came back from the trip I got a little sick and all my careful laid out plans were for nothing. I went to lifedrawing but I think it really shows I wasn't feeling that well. Not much got done, but I feel better now and I think I can dare to think of a new plan for the week now.

[Image: lifedrawing2_by_cyprinusfox-d7h3su3.jpg]
[Image: lifedrawing1_by_cyprinusfox-d7h3sud.jpg]

The thing with the fineliner was a bad idea.

[Image: faces_by_cyprinusfox-d7h3suu.jpg]

pixellovely has an expression tool now which I tried out's fun for somebody like me who loves to draw faces

[Image: april_skullstudies_by_cyprinusfox-d7h3svt.jpg]

I want to take part in the new crimson arena so here are some skull studies I did

[Image: argh_by_cyprinusfox-d7h3svq.jpg]

This is a typical digital picture story for me. So I drew something and kind of liked it: left version. When I came back to it, I thought the skin colours look greyish? I went to change the colours, this and that and now I don't like it anymore.

I need to stop painting so much faces but it's so much fun ):



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RE: The journey is the reward! Sketchbook & Progess Log - by Cyprinus - 05-05-2014, 03:01 AM

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