05-16-2014, 11:57 PM
Nice to have you back Muzz!
Sounds like you're on a journey of anatomy studies, sounds intense >:0 looking forward to seeing more of your results
I think it would be helpful to study more varied faces and get some different proportions in the ones you draw, the portrait in your last post has the same basic proportions as usual, like LongJh described. What woul dhappen if you tried drawing someone with a really short nose bridge?
Sounds like you're on a journey of anatomy studies, sounds intense >:0 looking forward to seeing more of your results
I think it would be helpful to study more varied faces and get some different proportions in the ones you draw, the portrait in your last post has the same basic proportions as usual, like LongJh described. What woul dhappen if you tried drawing someone with a really short nose bridge?