Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Hehe, update!

@AngeliquevdMee: ahhh thanks! I think my figures still need so much improvement but I'll keep it up!

@sam: skyrocket, wohohooo this sounds too good, gotta work hard! Thank you! ~

@foxfire1345: Thank you! Yes, they are from life. I try to go to a life drawing session every week. At first I tried to do a pencil sketch and then colour it, but the poses are mostly very short, only about 12-15 minutes. And it's over so fast, so at some point I decided to start immediately with the watercolours. What I do is first I lay down the basic shapes with a rather light wash. Sometimes I leave out the highlights (actually I think it looks better and works better if I do this). While the colour is still wet I sometimes try to already apply some darker tint in shadow areas (also get some soft edges). Then I lay down shadow areas in about 2 additional layers I think. The most difficult thing is certainly the limited amount of time. The fact that I don't do a pencil sketch before also sometimes gives me trouble with proportions and everything. Sometimes it takes too long for the colours to dry...however, if you add some background colours you can still adjust and correct some shapes as well. I hope this was understandable XD I'll try to post more from imagination, if not my tumblr log is wayofbrush, there I dump most of my stuff from imagination. And you're welcome! :3

@Lyraina: Thank you so much! Also for pointing out the thing about the eyes! I'll definitely have to pay attention here next time, eyes always bother me when I paint them, especially digitally...could never tell why though.

Now for the new stuff, two really quick colour studies (I discovered my love for the bristle brush) and one application and gesture drawings!

[Image: quickstudy_18052014_by_cyprinusfox-d7iv8i1.jpg]

[Image: quickstudy_18052014_2_by_cyprinusfox-d7iv8hu.jpg]

[Image: application_01_by_cyprinusfox-d7ivazu.jpg]

[Image: gestures_001_by_cyprinusfox-d7iv8iq.jpg]

[Image: gestures_002_by_cyprinusfox-d7iv8ii.jpg]

[Image: pseudogestures_001_by_cyprinusfox-d7iv8ia.jpg]



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 05-19-2014, 08:43 AM

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