05-28-2014, 05:20 PM
Nice update. so much better. I would maybe start to bring in some silhouettes and slightly more defined shapes on the left side of the canvas...maybe a treeline or a shrubbery :) more shapes and branches to lean into the focal point. Maybe consider a teensy bit of shape work to imply detail in the plain/marsh, some plants sticking out. Also you might want to plug up the bottom right corner a bit more, you could try another line of vegetation going into the canvas, or to counteract the left side the silhouette of a near foreground tree in the top corner that is closer to the viewer than the figure on the left, for depth.
About myself, well I'm not "quitting" doing art, but I am done obsessing, comparing, endlessly striving and sacrificing my enjoyment of the present for a future state of "making it" which will supposedly make it worth it. We only ever experience any form of happiness in the present, so banking so much on a future state If you think about it, is absolutely bonkers especially given the amount of angst we push ourselves through. But this is the general vibe of wanting to "make it" as an artist that is so visceral in everyone in the community and I have felt it start to infect my own sense of why I want to do it.
I'm not going to let the crazy pressure of the self improvement obsession and march towards a job take away from my enjoyment of life, which exists only in the present anyway, not the future. I mean there is nothing to stop you from going blind, or losing a hand or dying in some freak snowboard accident tomorrow...literally anything can happen, so to put so much emphasis and energy on the future, if it means sacrificing enjoying the present is ridiculous. If I can coincide my present enjoyment with the march to a more fulfilled career in art then that's cool, otherwise there's no point. So, what that means is, eventually when I sort my equipment shit out, I will be painting again, but they won't be "concepts" or "illustrations" or "designs" or whatever, they will be exactly whatever I want to do for me at the time I do them. I ain't doing this crap for someone else (even as a pro you are working on someone else's shit). I'm doing it for me! :)
About myself, well I'm not "quitting" doing art, but I am done obsessing, comparing, endlessly striving and sacrificing my enjoyment of the present for a future state of "making it" which will supposedly make it worth it. We only ever experience any form of happiness in the present, so banking so much on a future state If you think about it, is absolutely bonkers especially given the amount of angst we push ourselves through. But this is the general vibe of wanting to "make it" as an artist that is so visceral in everyone in the community and I have felt it start to infect my own sense of why I want to do it.
I'm not going to let the crazy pressure of the self improvement obsession and march towards a job take away from my enjoyment of life, which exists only in the present anyway, not the future. I mean there is nothing to stop you from going blind, or losing a hand or dying in some freak snowboard accident tomorrow...literally anything can happen, so to put so much emphasis and energy on the future, if it means sacrificing enjoying the present is ridiculous. If I can coincide my present enjoyment with the march to a more fulfilled career in art then that's cool, otherwise there's no point. So, what that means is, eventually when I sort my equipment shit out, I will be painting again, but they won't be "concepts" or "illustrations" or "designs" or whatever, they will be exactly whatever I want to do for me at the time I do them. I ain't doing this crap for someone else (even as a pro you are working on someone else's shit). I'm doing it for me! :)