JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
It's been nearly a month since I posted on here, I felt like I was spending too much time online not doing anything of value so I moved my PC away for a few weeks.

The result was that it felt weird at first, I found myself instinctively moving towards my desk to go online but without any specific thing I want to accomplish. After a few days I wasn't thinking about it at all. Now it's back, and so far I've only been using it for useful things that've been moving my life forward! So the experiment was a success; let's see how long before the internet time wasting starts again!

I have a lot of drawings in this post - I've scanned 66 of them, there are another 15 or so that I didn't scan. Producing that number in a month makes me feel good - I read a comment from a successful comic book artist who said that if you wanted to be good, you needed to fill a sketchbook every month. I think on average that's about 80 pages, depending on the book, so I've hit that target. That's just plugging away bit by bit everyday, not going flat out - I've still been going to work and looking after my daughter and stuff. Kinda nice to know that I can hit that level of dedication as a guy in his 30's with family and work commitments - anything is possible if you put your heart into it!

Anyway, this is my sketchbook not a blog so I'll post the drawings now:

Random doodles and practice pages that I like:
[Image: iRIHhk3.jpg]

[Image: 06hth4Z.jpg]

[Image: rGEv9Fk.jpg]

[Image: fVrz0iR.jpg]

Studies from Loomis's 'Figure Drawing for all it's worth'

[Image: 4drRL9w.jpg]

[Image: iGKkJQn.jpg]

[Image: MBIAWiV.jpg]
(Really happy with the ink line work on the last two)

[Image: xjTB9zu.jpg]

[Image: Vpu2VRk.jpg]

[Image: 1eogu4f.jpg]

[Image: hSuTesX.jpg]

[Image: cjQOuZ7.jpg]

Next, figure drawing stuff (mostly from imagination)

[Image: 3lqKtpo.jpg]

[Image: OxUeJAW.jpg]

[Image: uAGZcgL.jpg]

[Image: qqlXceo.jpg]

[Image: wu4eMSi.jpg]

[Image: 5umW73o.jpg]

[Image: ciCHkIs.jpg]

[Image: rTownj5.jpg]

[Image: udRaBdR.jpg]

[Image: bfTcubG.jpg]

Next, drawing figures in perspective (I was having REAL problems with this before, it's starting to click now)

[Image: djXb2mK.jpg]

[Image: tI8Wvlt.jpg]

[Image: q2xNuqH.jpg]

[Image: J8BsoRP.jpg]

[Image: GIObww1.jpg]

Next, animal drawings (I like to do these to relax as if I get the anatomy a bit wrong it usually still looks like the animal it's supposed to)

[Image: Xjf03Bj.jpg]

[Image: QX8ZPjE.jpg]
(the piggy looks much better on the paper, my scanner washes out the blacks too much and the photoshop level adjustment can't put them back without making the paper texture look burnt and horrid)

Next, some still life drawings from sculptures at the Bristol Museum

[Image: ly0VIgE.jpg]

[Image: gFuJJ1R.jpg]
(The one above is unfinished, I had to leave, but I'm hoping to go back and finish it off)

[Image: LQmKKne.jpg]

Next, life drawings - I've started going to weekly untutored life drawing sessions

[Image: HfDvVIr.jpg]

[Image: x8AP5yP.jpg]

[Image: YHOTG4U.jpg]

[Image: UGwmAoy.jpg]

[Image: yCUTu8n.jpg]

[Image: O0wnlbQ.jpg]

[Image: 6FSu32d.jpg]

[Image: dwRDlMG.jpg]

[Image: Ki0qnVu.jpg]

[Image: SleNYtA.jpg]

[Image: 2p3LBJE.jpg]

[Image: J0rI1vr.jpg]

[Image: ZH6puNL.jpg]

[Image: SzQL7Op.jpg]

[Image: cw9fZ0v.jpg]

[Image: Qc4ZRMP.jpg]

[Image: MYly9Dp.jpg]
(Not happy with the last 3 - I've been trying to learn the overhand pencil style like Proko uses with a manually sharpened pencil but cause I draw in an A4 sketchbook the lines are too thick and the shading is a bit eww as well)

Finally, some gesture drawings done from quickposes.com - I can really see improvement when they are all lined up; I was taking the approach that Proko teaches but my versions lack life and are a bit stiff, so I started trying to use the Glenn Vilppu style and feel that they are becoming more vibrant and dynamic. Also trying different mediums and trying to learn the overhand pencil technique still.

[Image: Me0tUgP.jpg]

[Image: W8izJpK.jpg]

[Image: ecxSRta.jpg]

[Image: DLyVLr6.jpg]

[Image: M5kRVe4.jpg]

[Image: 8XKwaHD.jpg]

[Image: 9ikemOp.jpg]

[Image: kubTNBg.jpg]

[Image: qSThtEW.jpg]

[Image: IF25SON.jpg]

[Image: oknxqDK.jpg]

[Image: hakRICl.jpg]

[Image: pgUmEA1.jpg]

I believe that's everything I've done this month that's of note.

I've finally finished the first part of Loomis' Figure Drawing book - up to the anatomy section. I am planning to study the skeleton and muscles elsewhere, then return to Loomis after (I've devised a kind of study plan for doing the bones / muscles that I'll share on here, maybe in the next post). This is a real milestone for me, when I started studying this book all I wanted to get to was the stick figure mannikin - the point where I'm at now seemed such a far away place. I feel really confident with figures now (although much, much, much more to learn and practise! but it's really fun now, instead of a frustrating struggle).

I feel my figures are let down because I can't draw heads / faces very well - I'm in two minds as to whether to push on with the figure drawing, since I'm on a roll with it, or to break from it and do at least the early pages of Loomis 'Head and Hands', just enough to be able to construct a face that doesn't look like a halloween mask... hmm what to do!

Anyway, I hope it's been of interest! Please give me some feedback if you have anything to tell me : )

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453

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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 06-25-2014, 08:16 AM

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