Greetings! <3
Hello Crimson Daggers buddies! My real name is Amanda Kiefer and I've been putting off joining this community for WAY too long. I am so excited to share my work with everyone and view all of your awesome sketchbooks, livestreams, and the like

I am a professional full-time freelance concept artist and i'm working with a couple of projects and clients right now as a contractor. My aspiration is to take my career to the next level by improving myself as an artist and potentially work as a concept artist in-house, or as a contract artist on more and more awesome projects, potentially as a lead artist in the future. Wizards of the Coast is a big goal for me, though right now I am more of a concept artist than an illustrator. I am looking to improve on my illustration skills and I know this awesome community will help.

I am very active on Tumblr, and I am constantly posting updates there. I would love to add more friends on there and follow your blog as well! Posting a sketchbook and personal work for critique soon!

Amanda<--be my tumblr buddy!

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Greetings! <3 - by MandaKief - 07-06-2014, 08:45 AM

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