Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
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@mat Haha, I also already thought about that! Glad you like my experiments, it's true that it makes you focus on colour a lot. It's also fun playing with the shapes (:

@clockodile Thank you so much! Glad you think they are beginning to look better! I remember also that the sketch with the girl was really easy and fluent to draw. It felt good. That's what I like a lot about working with the Force book in mind, everything seems so fluid and effortless. At first I was always very nervous when I was drawing in public! I think I'm getting more and more used to it, so that I'm more bold. I think this also led to somebody actually commenting on my stuff. The point with drawing under adverse conditions is really important...especially for cons.

@Jaik Thanks! And aww, maybe it helps when I say that I don't plan on changing it again anytime soon?! Wow, a phone number! Good for you! Maybe I can hunt one or two like this as well XD And thanks again, it's nice to hear my stuff is inspiring in some way!!!

@Lyraina Thanks, glad you like them! Sometimes things work out well even if unplannend, and it's still a good exercise for colours (:


So I'm still trying to work those mental things out.
Figured I've been too impatient and frustrated a lot lately, did stuff but wasn't really happy with it and felt kind of demotivated afterwards. I know that it's normal to live those ups and downs, but I got really angry at myself for not being able to stay motivated enough...this didn't really help as I was putting all my energy into being angry instead of being productive lol There's always one point though where sit at my desk and ask myself "Did you forget what was important to you?!" Not sure if I'm too strict with myself sometimes. I need to regain my passion. Anway, I'm working on the mess and I think this quote fits best for the current situation: "Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear? - Lao Tzu"

Life drawing has also been very frustrating lately. Didn't even bother to scan the stuff. I hope today will be better. I continued with Force and tomorrow I'll start on the new chapter about forceful form.

Also continued anatomy studies from Hampton

[Image: studies_hampton_01_by_cyprinusfox-d7pvwnp.jpg]

[Image: studies_hampton_02_by_cyprinusfox-d7pvwnj.jpg]

Here's some stuff from imagination. I try to be more loose and to quicker sketches. It's not as clean as always, but of course in the same time I manage to do more, so I hope that quantity will help quality in the long run.

[Image: haibook_chicks_by_cyprinusfox-d7pvwnw.jpg]
[Image: sketch_drumguy_by_cyprinusfox-d7pvwns.jpg]

[Image: mechbirth_by_cyprinusfox-d7pvz95.jpg]

I kind of really liked this and because I have a new printer and can make stuff again I spontaneously put this on a tote bag. I noticed a lot of mistakes afterwards orz but I consider it a strike against my perfectionism. And it was fun.
I'm actually thinking about fixing the odd stuff and turning this into a real illustration.

[Image: totebag_by_cyprinusfox-d7pvwnc.jpg]

And a digital study

[Image: study_06072014_by_cyprinusfox-d7pvwne.jpg]

Well. On saturday I went to the opera house to see "Yamato - The drummers of Japan". It was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I can only recommend to everybody with an interest in the topic. I was totally energized by it. I wish I would have somebody playing the drum for me every morning to get motivated, haha. Most importantly though, when I sat there I felt the passion and love of those people for the drums. Such mastery. I imagined how much they trained, and how hard it must be on mind and body. And so I sat there and thought that I want to draw and paint like they play the drums.



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 07-09-2014, 08:42 PM

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