07-15-2014, 10:55 AM
Quote:I don't know if I conveyed my point right, blah, internetz...
Ah, I thought you meant that it was worthless thinking about things in the zen way because it can seem to be so detached from any reality of a day to day life. :)
Quote:With the rest I agree, as I've said. It's just that at the moment the unconstructive negative feelings within me are having a party
Well I suppose at least the first step is realising that those negative thoughts and feelings are a loop triggered by certain things happening..eg the retardedness of people on the internet. Then realise that since there is this causation happening, instead of going down the same well worn neural circuit, you can cut it off by modifying your reaction to it, Change it up. In fact maybe approach it head on. Go to the source of the issue, immerse yourself in it, and then instead of getting riled, find a way to not take stock of what you read. Try to find the other person's context and accept it as is with no judgement, rather than ask why they feel that way. Reprogram. I think reprogramming isn't exactly the sustainable way to do things, but it certainly will help in the short term.
It sounds like you are just coming to a head with some of the challenges you have been dealing with of late, so it is quite alright to be in a tizz.
But dude. Meditation. Seriously. Just do it. It doesn't have to be built up into a big thing. Just sit somewhere for half an hour. No time like the present. I absolutely guarantee results :P