|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Today it rained! It RAINEEEED! This means I wasn't living in a fucking oven for once, and thus was able to work during the day. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!??? During the day!!!

So I have done a few value studies cause I still need more work on that. It has felt really comfortable and fun for once, because I don't have to think about hue temperature and all of those crazy complex things that color entails, donw a few quick ones, also an experiment after that trying to apply values between 8-9'7 on a goblin's face and see how it goes. Also a HUGE FAILURE on female face color study ( seriously hard this one, failed big time). There's more but it's incomplete or unscanned. Anyway, off to bed for a few hours and then I'll be back with the late night studies! :D

[Image: valuestudy001-1.jpg]
[Image: valuestudy002.jpg]
[Image: valuestudy003.jpg]
[Image: valuestudy004.jpg]
[Image: Experiment004.jpg]

Fail Time. Jesus Christ I fucking hate this one:
[Image: ColorStudy001.jpg]

As always , crits and feedback welcome :P


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 08-09-2014, 12:18 PM

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