Metabi's Sketchbook
I'm... kinda but not back from my hiatus? I'm back from visiting family but will only be able to be here for a week before moving off to college. Don't know when I'll be able to update again.

While away, learned how to set up solid foundations at a greater speed by painting on my phone and started teaching myself animation in my DSi (flipnote studio), need to look up an SD card so I can upload my animations. I just found out how exciting and fun doing animation is! Will definitely be trying to see if I can animate in photoshop~

Also finished 2 sketchbooks while away but too much to upload so I'll just update with digital stuff I've been working on in the last couple of days.

[Image: Hm0noAn.jpg]
A piece started with paint blobs instead of a sketch... Flipped the image and found out too many mistakes to the point where it'd be much better to start from scratch so it will just be left unfinished.

[Image: 4BxdN5o.jpg]
Super quick/rough mouse sketch done while procrastinating on filling out paperwork.... I really liked the colors. Don't know if I'll take it further but I do know my palette sure is happy~

[Image: QIadCcy.jpg]
Trying to experiment and see if I could use brushes and photoshop patterns to bring out a traditional look akin to that of traditional Japanese watercolors. (done with mouse and colors taken from the previous sketch...)

[Image: qiJ0eT0.jpg]
A rendering experiment, pretty rough (took a little over an hour from initial sketch to finish). The process is pretty complicated to explain but it works really well for me, definitely going to apply it from here on.

[Image: GsjDPNi.jpg]
Thinking of rendering this but not at the top of my priorities right now... Going to try and make the fox look like graffiti in a wall and add more graffiti.

[Image: vv2y0FK.jpg]
A piece inspired by Ophelia from Hamlet. Never read Hamlet but am familiar with the story and seen a lot of depictions and allusions to the character and I find her fascinating... I really should go out and read the play.

[Image: jQkwIq8.jpg]
Finally, left the best for last <3 After a month hiatus still love this piece and am very excited to keep on working on it~

PD: Also, while typing out this post got sidetracked and started animating in photoshop.... with my mouse... Man! I'm definitely becoming the master of procrastinating with mouse drawings! Don't know how to feel about this, should probably be ashamed but.... actually... I'm... I'm actually proud of myself >.<

Would upload rough animation I've got so far but first I have to figure out how to export it......

Messages In This Thread
Metabi's Sketchbook - by Metatabi - 05-21-2014, 03:01 PM
RE: Metabi's Sketchbook - by missimoinsane - 05-24-2014, 04:14 PM
RE: Metabi's Sketchbook - by Metatabi - 05-30-2014, 05:18 AM
RE: Metabi's Sketchbook - by Metatabi - 06-04-2014, 06:41 PM
RE: Metabi's Sketchbook - by Metatabi - 06-11-2014, 01:59 PM
RE: Metabi's Sketchbook - by Metatabi - 06-18-2014, 11:54 AM
RE: Metabi's Sketchbook - by Metatabi - 06-30-2014, 01:38 PM
RE: Metabi's Sketchbook - by Metatabi - 08-14-2014, 01:36 PM

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