|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Dude, the paintings.... you did lvl up plenty already :D

going to give my 2 cents, just thoughts, don't get offended, I find your work ethic super motivating.

Be careful not to push yourself too hard. Even 4 hours is plenty. I know every pro is telling their story that something just clicked and they started to paint 12 hours a day every day, but you need to keep in mind that everyone is different and in a different situation. be it mental or physical. To avoid burnout I think the focus should be on having fun and learning, trying to figure something new out every day.

Bashing yourself for not being able to fill some time quota can turn your focus away from fun and progress, to stress and even less motivation to draw anything, since the last time of bashing left your brain in a negative state about drawing and painting and it does not want to go through it again. Instead of leaving it with a positive note that gets you more amped to do more tomorrow because you and your brain actually want to do it, because it's fun

and once again we are all different, some people actually thrive under stress and want more of it. And somethings you just have to go through and feel, before you can actually understand it. But thats life.

I'm not saying that I know anything, just rambling

relax man, art is something that you are going to do for the rest of your life, you have time ^^

No matter the tool as long as it's cool!


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Birchgrove - 08-17-2014, 04:36 AM

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