|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Birchgrove: Haha, glad that you feel I leveld up, at least someone does, even if it's not me xD

No worries, I would never get mad on someone who's trying to help me out :) I see what you mean about the stress thing, and you're right. Except in my case it's a bit more complex. I have been pursuing this career for almost 6 years now, of thowe six years I have only worked hard one, and the rest I just relaxed, because I was a foolish and lazy, weed-smoking teenager. Now things have changed a lot in my life and I am at the point where I'm late to the party, even if I made my choice early ( as a hint Hannes/ Algenpfleger started posting on CA at the same time as I did, the diference in workload and quality speaks for itself) so I want to do my best to keep pushing, no matter my state of mind. In any case, I have taken your advise and decided to relax a bit with the studies and experiment a bit without any expectations, and it has helped me to enjoy a bit and be ready and happy for tomorrow, so thanks mate ;)

CHOW IS HERE!!!!!! Finally an excuse to do some personal work and also design with limitations!
I'm gonna steadily work on this first one assignment to see where I get, granted I will not get near the top tier, but it will be instructive and fun, and that's all I need.

First, today's warmups, I decided to start doing these on tablet instead of pencil, cause I need to start getting some control on my Bamboo, and man , I admire Rafa even more than before, this shit is HARD!
[Image: warmups005.jpg]
[Image: warmups006.jpg]

Then, what I think is gonna be the last frog for now, I'll be doing master studies next, and before you ask, the one on the ref wasn't smoking a blunt (ahh reminds me of the good old days xD):
[Image: ColorStudy006-1.jpg]

Some experimentation, first what is gonna be a Fallout: New Vegas fanart of my vision of courrier six, first time photobashing, of course it's lame, but it's just a setup so it helped speeding up the process, and there's tons of cool pics of the mohave on google, so that's cool:
[Image: painting004.jpg]

And a lame ghoul portrait that I'm gonna either redraw or abandon cause it's the most boring angle/pose ever to be drawn:
[Image: painting005.jpg]

And to wrap it up some ideas for the CHOW, I would really appreciate feedback on this, which ones do you like best?
[Image: CHOWIdeas001.jpg]
[Image: CHOWIdeas002.jpg]
[Image: CHOWIdeas003.jpg]

That's about it, see you tomorrow folks!


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 08-17-2014, 11:07 PM

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