09-07-2014, 02:24 AM
Nate beat me to it! I was gonna mention your foreheads are getting away from ya! During construction you are drawing a circle and putting the brow around the bottom 1/3, when it should be closer to the 1/2. You're getting a lot of foreheads that are taking up 1/2 the entire head, with the hair sitting on top they are dwarfing your actual faces. You are doing pretty well when it comes to the vertical proportions of the head, just gotta tighten up the horizontal ones! Funny enough this problem is a lot more present in your studies/application than it is in your imagination work. I think you know the proportions better than you think and when you aren't worrying so much about them you're actually executing them better. Anyways! As always keep up the good pace, you're definitely making progress!