|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Rafa:Haha thanks man, tons more to come!

Lyra: Yeah , the new schedule was cool, but I encountered a few technical problems ( mainly my computer reaching boiling temperature from 11am) so I'm going back to sleeping during the morning and waking up at 4pm. The six hour thingie is mostly a guideline. Let's say that out of 7 days I follow the six hours rule about 4 days, the rest I sleep between 8-10, depending on how tired I am to compensate, exhausting yourself is counterproductive in the end :P Can't wait for Nielson's course it's gonna be awesome! And yeah, some more structure needed on them faces, hopefully I'll fix that during the month :)

Archreux: Hahaha yeah man, it's a pain in the butt but it has to be done, I found these simplified studies really helpfull to focus on the stuff that I feel I need to improve, so recommended. And don't worry there's a lot more coming where that cdame from!

Cyprinus: Thanks man, trying to keep it steady, although there's always ups and downs. And yeah, I'm still injured but I recovered most of my mobility so it's all good. And as I told the others, tons of head studies coming in the near future, and on this update!

Ok, so I didn't update yesterday cause I hate scanning, I didn't do much yesterday, but today I didn't sleep so I did a fuckton of work, which impresses me having in account that I have procrastinated quite a while ( 5 chapters of Falling Skies watched) still I don't beat myself because of procrastination this time cause these fucking studies consume a lot of brain power, I don't even know how I'm writting this xD. Ok, here we go.

As I've been saying on the streams and the chat and everywhere basically, I've been doing Asaro head studies from that 3d model for sketchup, and I gotta say it's hard as fuck, I focused basically on the cheekbones this time cause I wanted to truly understand how they're shaped, so I first did these studies:

[Image: 18.jpg]
[Image: 17.jpg]

Then I did some sketches from mind to see how I'd build trying to remember structure and shit, but the results where mostly failures, since I didn't really know how to relate those super geometrical designs with actual organic flesh:

[Image: 15.jpg]
[Image: 16.jpg]

So I decided to work from some indian refs I downloaded yesterday, and see if I could apply the construction skills I was trying to learn from the asaros, and it fucking worked, my construction has improved, but I need a lot more of studies till I can fake it from memory. These took about 40 min each (quite a long time yeah) except the lame bruce willis study that took like 15 mins , pretty pleased with the results and learned a lot:

[Image: 13.jpg]
[Image: 14.jpg]

Now, on the brainfart section we have a zombie sketch I redid from an old sketch I did that was terribly built, and that took like 5 hours to render to that pityfull state, the rough one was just to prove I can build better to myself:

[Image: 19.jpg]

Oh, and poop heads I did during my coffe breaks:

[Image: 20.jpg]

That's about it for today, now I'm going to bed cause I'm dead, goodnight everybody!


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 09-10-2014, 10:41 PM

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