|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Slow day. Didn't feel like it and barely worked 4 hours or so.

This whole " get faces right" kind of thing is sort of an experiment for me, to see if I can consistently do something that annoys me and seems to yield no results for an entire month. Very hard, but still I feel like I'm learning even if it doesn't shows. So today I realised I was coming back to my bad tendencies again, which are basically getting into elaborate copy mode and not learn anything. So I have decided to focus on just two aspects: learn how faces are volumetric wise, and more importantly, learn how to interpret the forms even if I'm not being fully accurate regarding what I see. As of now is a total failure, but it's the first time ever ( aside from imaginative stuff) that I try, so it's no surprise. Anyway, here we go:

First, the obligatory Asaro study, I feel my proportions are getting better aswell as my knowledge of the structure, but this shit is hard as fuck to remember, so I need to do more of these referenced studies:

[Image: 24.jpg]

Then some heads from mind, focusing on construction and trying to get them less blocky, failed:

[Image: 21.jpg]

Referenced face studies on "copy mode": ( 25-35 mins/each)

[Image: 22.jpg]

Referenced studies on "interpret" mode: ( 10 mins/ each):

[Image: 23.jpg]


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 09-11-2014, 10:14 PM

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